
Red Wave-4 Underground Bands From The USSR (1986)

This LP, put together by American producer Joanna Stingray, was the first western release of rock music from the Soviet Union.
At this time rock music in the Soviet Union was still largely an underground affair.
The four bands featured were all from Leningrad (now St Petersburg):

Аквaриум (Aquarium)

КИНО (Kino)

Алиса (Alisa)

Странные игры (Strange Games)


  1. This was a favorite album of mine back in high school. Very rare today. No one I know has heard of it. I am very glad to find this.

    Do you have any Аквaриум (Aquarium) to post?

    Thanks a heap.

  2. Hi Shemp- thanks for the feedback.
    I've got more Аквaриум- I'll post some in the next couple of weeks.

  3. been looking for this for a long time. currently reading a book about the times it was released and changes that followed afterwards.
    thank you

  4. Is this LP still available? I want it. Though the song I want most is Alisa's Experimentor, so I would like to know where to get that. Thank you.

  5. Hi Osaka Mary- this album is quite rare- it comes up on e bay sometimes. Experimenter is one of the Alisa tracks featured. Click on the button marked
    Красная Волна for a download.


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