
Charles Bukowski

 Here's a selection of recordings by the great Charles Bukowski (1920-1994)

70 Minutes in Hell- A home recording of Bukowski reading (1969) 

At Terror Street And Agony Way- CB recorded at home- (1969)

King of Poets -  A home recording of Bukowski reading (1970)

Poems and Insults - Live recording (1973)

 Solid Citizen- Live in Hamburg (1978)

Hostage - Rowdy poetry reading in San Pedro, CA (1980)

The Life And Hazardous Times Of Charles Bukowski: Neither Bought For Gold Nor To The Devil Sold. Essentially a biography of CB. (1999)

Do You Use A Notebook? Radio interview. (1986)

 Bukowski Lives! Poems over a musical back track. (2003)  

Run With The Hunted- a compilation.


  1. I have heard some of these but not all of them. Thanks very much for this post.

  2. I will get around very soon to these (only heard one or two before) ;) cheers


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