
Vladimir Vysotsky Владимир Высоцкий 100 лучших песен (Коллекция Ридерз Дайджест) (2007)

Когда пишешь или говоришь о достижениях представителей иностранной культуры, естественно хочется сопоставить его с кем-то имеющим мировую известность. Сдаюсь, я не смог найти кого-либо похожего на Владимира Высоцкого. Высоцкий был выдающимся актером театра и кино. Он был поэтом. Но именно песенное творчество вознесло Высоцкого на вершину популярной культуры Советского Союза. Высоцкий  написал более 900 песен. Его стихи проникли в русское сознание. Его работы имеют ни с чем несравнимый стиль.
Ниже перечислены 100 песен, написанных и спетых Владимиром Высоцким.
Спасибо Наташе за помощь в переводе.

When writing or speaking of the accomplishments of someone from a foreign culture it is natural to look for comparisons.  I have given up trying to think of someone to whom Vysotsky can be compared. He was a noted actor of stage and screen and a poet, but it was as a singer/ songwriter that Vysotsky stood like a giant over the popular culture of the Soviet Union. The author of over 900 songs, his lyrics have entered into the Russian consciousness and his work defines a genre.
Here we have 100 songs written and performed by Vladimir Vysotsky.
Thank you to Natasha for the translation.

1.  Горящий Смоленск, горящий Рейхстаг (Burning Smolensk, Burning Reichstag) 
01) Он не вернулся из боя  He Didn’t Return From The Battle
02) Тот, который не стрелял  He Who Didnt Shoot
03) Братские могилы  Communal Graves
04) Давно смолкли залпы орудий The Gunfire Fell Silent Long Ago
05) Сыновья уходят в бой  Our Sons Must Leave For The War
06) Песня о госпитале Song of The Hospital
07) Мы вращаем Землю We Are Turning Earth
08) Песня о звездах Song Of The Stars
09) Песня о Земле Song Of The Land
10) Солдаты группы Центр- Soldiers Of The Centre Group
11) Разведка боем Reconnaissance Mission
12) О моем старшине My Sergeant
13) Спасите наши души Save Our Souls
14) Случай в ресторане Incident in the Restaurant
15) Песня летчика Pilots Song
16) Песня самолета-истребителя Song Of The Fighter Plane
17) Песня про Сережку Фомина Song About Sergei Fomin
18) Высота  Altitude
19) Письмо Letter
20) Нейтральная полоса  No Mans Land

2.  Милый Ваня, я гуляю по Парижу (Dear Vanya I’m Walking In Paris).
01) Бал-маскарад Masquerade Ball
02) Письмо в редакцию телевизионной передачи "Очевидное - невероятное" Letter to the editor of TV programme Evident-Incredible
03) Посещение Музы, или Песенка плагиатора Visit Of The Muse Or The Song Of The Plagiarist
04) Песенка о слухах A Song About Rumours
05) Милицейский протокол  Police Protocol
06) Инструкция перед поездкой за рубеж, или Полчаса в месткоме Instructions Before A Trip Abroad or Half An Hour In The Mestcom.
07) Про речку Вачу и попутницу Валю About The Vacha River And Fellow Traveler Valya
08) Путешествие в прошлое A Journey To The Past
09) Мой сосед объездил весь Союз My Neighbour Has Travelled All Over The USSR…
10) Невидимка Invisible
11) Поездка в город Trip to The City
12) Жертва телевидения Victim of Television
13) Письмо к другу , или Зарисовка о Париже Letter To A Friend Or Sketches From Paris
14) Товарищи ученые Comrade Scientists
15) Песня про ДЖеймса Бонда, агента 007 Song For James Bond, Agent 007
16) Веселая покойницкая The Merry Song about the Dead 
17) Случай на таможне An Incident in Customs
18) Песня автозавистника About Auto Related Jealousy
19) Лекция о международном положении, прочитаная человеком, посаженным на A Lecture On The World Situation, Given By The Person Who Was Impaled 
20) Песня командировочного, или Через десять лет в Аэрофлоте
Song Of Travelling Expenses Or After Ten Years With Aeroflot 

3. Лукоморья больше нет (Lukamorie Is No More)
01) Песня о вещем Олеге Oleg The Oracle
02) Странная сказка Strange Tale
03) Про дикого вепря A Wild Boar
04) Песня о вещей Кассандре Song Of The Soothsayer Cassandra
05) Песня-сказка о нечисти Song Of Evil Spirits
06) Куплеты нечистой силы  Verse Of Evil Spirits
07) Лукоморья больше нет Lukamorie Is No More
08) Выезд Соловья-разбойника Ride of Solovei the Brigand
09) Скоморохи на ярмарке Clowns At The Fair
10) Вдалеком созвездии Тау Кита In the Remote Tau Kit Constellation
11) Песенка о переселении душ A Song Of Reincarnation Of The Soul.
12) Переворот в мозгах из края в край Revolution In The Brain From One End Of The Land To The Other?
13) Песня-сказка про джинна Song of the Spirit in a bottle
14) Про черта  About The Devil
15) Песня плотника Иосифа, Девы Марии и Святого Духа Song Of Joseph The Carpenter, Mary And The Holy Ghost
16) Песня про козла отпущения  Song of The Scapegoat
17) Марш антиподов March of The Antipodes
18) Песня об обиженнном времени Offended Time.
19) Сивка-Бурка  Horse
20) Что случилось в Африке  What Happened In Africa…

4.  Я не люблю фатального исхода (I Hate The Fatality…)
01) Банька по-белому White Banya
02) Я не люблю  I do not like
03) Песня о друге  Song About A Friend
04) Куплеты Бенгальского  Bengal Verse
05) Москва - Одесса  Moscow- Odessa
06) Парус – The Sail
07) Баллада о борьбе  Ballad of The Battle
08) Ноль семь 07
09) Натянутый канат  The Tightrope Walker
10) Тот, кто раньше с нею был He Who Was With Her Before
11) Татуировка  Tattoo
12) Большой Каретный Bolshoi Karetnyi
13) Охота на волков  Hunting Wolves
14) Охота на кабанов Hunting Boars
15) Баллада о детстве  Ballad of Childhood
16) Еще не вечер  It’s Not The End
17) Корабли Ships
18) О фатальных датах и цифрах  A Song About Fatal Dates And Numbers
19) Моя цыганская  My Gypsy Song
20) Кони привередливые Capricious Horses

5. Городской романс (City Romance)
01) Дорожная история History Of The Trail
02) "Я несла свою Беду .." I Was Carrying My Misfortune
03) Дом хрустальный  The Crystal House
04) Белое безмолвие  White Silence
05) "За меня невеста отрыдает честно ..." For me my fiancée will sincerely cry…
06) Чужая колея  Someone Else’s Rut
07) Городской романс The City Romance
08) "Здесь лапы у елей дрожат на весу ..." Trembling Boughs
09) Она была в Париже  She has been to Paris
10) Попутчик  Train Passenger
11) У тебя глаза как нож Your Eyes Are Like A Knife
12) Песня о двух погибших лебедях  Song Of Two Ruined Swans
13) Я был душой дурного общества  I Was Mixed Up With A Bad Crew
14) " Мне каждый вечер зажигают свечи ..." They Light Candles For Me Every Evening
15) Очи черные. Погоня  Black Eyes Urge Me On.
16) Очи черные. Старый дом Black Eyes. An Old House.
17) Ой, где я был вчера  Oh, Where Was I Yesterday
18) Иван да Марья Ivan and Maria
19) Песня Марьи  Maria’s Song
20) О нашей встрече  About Our Meeting

Some interesting Vysotsky sites here and here.


Help Button

Why is there no Help Button in everyday life?


Serge Gainsbourg- Anna (1967)

The soundtrack LP of a 1967 made for TV musical comedy. Gainsbourg maintains his lifelong tradition of associating with beautiful starlets- this time the multi talented Anna Karina.


The Devil's Music

Another charity shop find. A freebie from the December 2002 issue of Uncut magazine, it is what it says on the cover. I don't think our old friend the Devil would expect much credit for the Aaron Neville track, mind.

 Amos Milburn - Down The Road Apiece
 Jackie Brenston - Rocket 88
 Robert Johnson - Preachin' Blues (Up Jumped The Devil)
 Muddy Waters - Rollin' Stone
 Jimmy Rogers - Goin' Away Baby
 Leadbelly - The Midnight Special
 Clarence 'Gatemouth' Brown - Okie Dokie Stomp
 Clifton Chenier - Ay-Te Te Fee
 Professor Longhair & His Shuffling Hungarians - Mardi Gras In New Orleans
 Little Richard - Good Golly Miss Molly
 Billie Holiday - He's Funny That Way
 John Lee Hooker - I'm In The Mood
 Bob Marley & The Wailers - Jah Is Mighty
 Hank Williams - You Win Again
 Ike & Tina Turner - I Can't Believe What You Say
 B.B. King - Everyday I Have The Blues
 T-Bone Walker - (They Call It) Stormy Monday
 Howlin' Wolf - Moanin' At Midnight
 Blind Willie McTell - Talkin' To Your Mama
 Clarence 'Bon Ton' Garlow - Bon Ton Roulet
 Aaron Neville - Tell It Like It Is
 Albert King - That's What The Blues Is All About
 Irma Thomas - Ruler Of My Heart
 Otis Redding - Pain In My Heart (alt. take)
 Booker T. & The MG's - Baby, Scratch My Back
Al Green - Take Me To The River

all you need ... is five strings, two notes, two fingers and one asshole.  - Keith Richards


Charles Bukowski

 Here's a selection of recordings by the great Charles Bukowski (1920-1994)

70 Minutes in Hell- A home recording of Bukowski reading (1969) 

At Terror Street And Agony Way- CB recorded at home- (1969)

King of Poets -  A home recording of Bukowski reading (1970)

Poems and Insults - Live recording (1973)

 Solid Citizen- Live in Hamburg (1978)

Hostage - Rowdy poetry reading in San Pedro, CA (1980)

The Life And Hazardous Times Of Charles Bukowski: Neither Bought For Gold Nor To The Devil Sold. Essentially a biography of CB. (1999)

Do You Use A Notebook? Radio interview. (1986)

 Bukowski Lives! Poems over a musical back track. (2003)  

Run With The Hunted- a compilation.


Scroobius Pip - No Commercial Breaks (2006)

 Here's a rare solo work by Scroobius Pip from before he teamed up with Dan  Le Sac.

 Pip explained how he chose his name (from a poem by Edward Lear) in an interview for Beatdom (issue 6):

I loved the story. It's about a creature that doesn't know what it is ...By the end [of the poem] he realises that he is simply The Scroobious Pip. He doesn't fit into any one category and can just be his own creature.


Robert Johnson - The Complete Recordings (Flac)

May the 8th is possibly the centenary of the birth of Robert Johnson. He was an itinerant musician who died at the age of 27 and recorded less than 30 sides. His influence on Blues and consequently rock and roll is difficult to express without recourse to lazy superlatives. This, largely, was thanks to the release of King of the Delta Blues Singers in 1961.
There is a theory that these recordings were 'speeded up' .
The evidence on which this is based and examples of slowed down versions  can be found here.
The Search for Robert Johnson (1991) is a good watch. It's on YouTube.


On Insanity...

Antonin Artaud (1896 – 1948)

So long as we have failed to eliminate any of the causes of human despair, we do not have the right to try to eliminate those means by which man tries to cleanse himself of despair.
There is in every madman a misunderstood genius whose idea, shining in his head, frightened people, and for whom delirium was the only solution to the strangulation that life had prepared for him, for  a madman is also a man whom society did not want to hear and whom it wanted to prevent from uttering certain intolerable truths.
And what is an authentic madman? It is a man who preferred to become mad, in the socially accepted sense of the word, rather than forfeit a certain superior idea of human honor. So society has strangled in its asylums all those it wanted to get rid of or protect itself from, because they refused to become its accomplices in certain great nastinesses.


Futura 2000 featuring The Clash - Futura 2000 and his Escapades 12" (1983)

Futura 2000 (Leonard Hilton McGurr) is a graffiti artist from New York City. In 1982 he provided a rap on Overpowered by Funk on The Clash album Combat Rock. At this time The Clash (on the verge of break up) were experimenting with the new urban sounds of  hip hop. Always image conscious The Clash also embraced other elements of this relatively new proletarian culture.
In the 70's Futura 2000 was dodging the cops painting subway trains, by the time this record was released he was a respectable gallery artist and graphic designer.
 The movie Style Wars is well worth a watch- it's on YouTube of course...
