Y Tebot Piws oedd un o fandiau cynnar Pop Cymraeg, yn y 1970au cynnar, cyfnod pryd yr oedd yn datblygu o swn werinol at rhywbeth mwy agos at ganu pop cyfoes, a'r Tebot Piws yn nodweddiadol o'r tueddiad hwnnw, gyda digrifwch yn rhan allweddol o'u hallbwn.
Rhyddhawyd pedwar EP gan y Tebot Piws (1969 -1972 recordiau Sain).
A number of Y Tebot Piws's songs have made a lasting impression of the psyche of Welsh speakers- and a best of Lp is available, bringing togther tracks from the 4 EPs they released on the legendary Sain records between 1969 and 1972.
We'll be having that album on here soon, but here's a taster-
Mae Rhywyn Wedi Dwyn Fy Nhrwyn (Someone's stolen my nose...)
Lead singer was Dewi 'Pws' Morris- a legend in Welsh language entertainmnet- Pws has been a rock singer, actor, comedian, soap star, children's TV presenter, author, radio presenter... a really funny bloke.

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