
American Poets...

Here is a selection of recordings by American poets of the 20th century (Walt Whitman being the exception; the collection kicks off with a wax-cylinder recording of Whitman reading in about 1890!) The poems are not arranged by date of composition or recording, but in order of the poet's birth.  And it's not supposed to be any all inclusive best of sort of deal, and it doesn't reflect my 'taste'. It's just a few files I lifted. 

Walt Whitman (1819 –1892)

William Carlos Williams (1883 –1963)
The Red Wheelbarrow
To Elsie 

e.e. cummings (1894 –1962)
Next of Course God America
Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town

Ogden Nash (1902 –1971)
Portrait of the Artist as a Prematurely Old Man

Langston Hughes (1902 –1967)
The Negro Speaks of Rivers

Theodore Roethke (1908 –1963)
Elegy for Jane

Lawrence Ferlinghetti (b.1919)
See It Was Like This When..

Charles Bukowski (1920- 1994) 
The Secret of My Endurance

Jack Kerouac (1922-1969)
American Haikus [Excerpt]

 Allen Ginsberg (1926 –1997)

Anne Sexton (1928-1974)
The Truth the Dead Know
All My Pretty Ones

Maya Angelou (b.1928)
Phenomenal Woman

Gary Snyder (b.1930)
The Song of the Taste
How Poetry Comes to Me
Why I Take Good Care of My Macintosh Computer

1 comment:

  1. There is some controversy as to whether the Whitman recording is indeed the Good Gray Poet. Many people believe it is, and many are sure it is a hoax. There are good reasons supporting both viewpoints.

    You can read a thorough analysis of the history of this controversy at my blog:


    Look for the piece called "The Voice of the Poet."


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